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Carros mais vendidos para Botswana

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O que é BuyNow?

Utilize BUY NOW para reservar e comprar imediatamente o carro que você pretende compar

What is Buy Now
  • Compre quando quiser
    Compre quando quiser

    Disponível 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana. Sem precisar esperar. Leva apenas 3 minutos.

  • Economize tempo
    Economize tempo

    O desconto Buy Now será aplicado se você encomendar dentro de uma hora após solicitar a cotação.


    Note que o seu veículo será reservado para você apenas por 24 horas após a sua encomenda.


Agência Local em Botswana

Gaborone Office RADICAL SALES
Gaborone OfficeRADICAL SALES

RADICAL SALESOffice 10, Block C, Plot 331, Ntloedibe Ward, Molepolole (Greater Gaborone), Gaborone, Botswana

  • Gaborone Office RADICAL SALES
  • Office Hours
    Mon.-Fri.: 8:00AM - 5:00PM

    Tel.: +267 590 8910
    WhatsApp: +267 7791 9205

  • Endereço
    Office 10, Block C, Plot 331, Ntloedibe Ward, Molepolole (Greater Gaborone), Gaborone, Botswana
    View on Google Map >

  • Available Services
    • Car Sales
    • Tax Consulting
    • Desembaraço alfandegário e entrega
    • Mechanical Check
    • Registro
Gaborone Office Showmars
Gaborone OfficeSHOWMARS (PTY) LTD

SHOWMARS (PTY) LTDPlot 2027 Ledumadumane Mogoditshane, Gaborone, Botswana

  • Gaborone Office Showmars
  • Office Hours
    Mon.-Fri.: 8:00AM - 6:00PM

    +267 7388 9265
    +267 7774 2369
    +267 7287 1430


  • Endereço
    Plot 2027 Ledumadumane Mogoditshane, Gaborone, Botswana
    View on Google Map >

  • Available Services
    • Car Sales
    • Clearing & Forwarding
    • Tax Consulting
    • Registro
    • Auto peças
Gaborone Office TBT MOTORS
Gaborone OfficeTBT MOTORS

TBT MOTORSPlot No. 13785, Mogoditshane, Gaborone, Botswana

  • Gaborone Office TBT MOTORS

Representantes de vendas

Representantes de vendas na Be Forward Japão

Encontre o melhor plano de envio por contêntor

Container Plan

Nós enviaremos o número máximo de carros em cada contêntor, reduzindo os custos de envio. O tempos de envio também será reduzido.

A imagem mostrada acima é exemplo de configurações de transporte de 3, 4 e 6 veículos. Temos muitas opções de empacotamento dependendo do tamanho dos veículos. Nosso representante de vendas vai oferecer o melhor e mais económico plano de contentor.


Portos Disponíveis

from Durban port
  • Durbanpick up at port
  • Gaboronedelivery via Car Carrier
  • Francistowndelivery via Car Carrier
Map Legend
  • Port of delivery from Stock Country
  • Service Area
  • City
  • delivery via Driver
  • delivery via Car carrier
  • delivery via Container
  • delivery via Ferry

Forma de pagamento

  • Bank Transfer

    Pagar por transferência bancária
    Fazer a transferência bancária (transferência telegráfica) usando a fatura pro-forma, clique aqui. clique aqui.


    Pagar por Cartão de Crédito
    Pagar por cartão de crédito / cartão de débito. Aceitamos Visa e Mastercard. Para mais informações, clique aqui. clique aqui.

  • PayPal

    Pagar por PayPal
    Pagar online por PayPal. PayPal aceita MasterCard, Visa, American Express e Discover. Para mais informações, clique aqui. clique aqui.

Perguntas frequentes

Is Duty, Tax (VAT) and Clearing Charge in my country included in the price?
Duty, VAT and Clearing Charge in your country is NOT included in the price. It must be paid by you or via an agent of your choice at the border of your country. We can help you estimate the cost at Botswana Office. * City Delivery prices include the clearing charge.
How long does it take to receive vehicles?
In general, 5 weeks to Durban, 6 weeks to Maseru Bridge. Please note that the schedules are estimate and could be adjusted.
How to import my vehicle?
BE FORWARD has local clearing and forwarding agent in your country for supporting your import procedure.

Q1: What can BE FORWARD agents do?
A1: Essentially takes care of the customs clearance and transportation.
Such as below.
・Arrange to pass the relevant documents at customs and authorities.
・Calculations and Check the process of "Duty and VAT payments" as applicable.
・Arrange Transportation service if needed.
・Supporting best route for the import procedure.
・Ensure smooth and timely shipment of goods.

Q2: What do I need to do if I want to apply for the import service?
A2: Please select your "Delivery Destination" at the time you select your vehicle.

Q3: What am I supposed to do after requesting for the import service?
A3: Please send the Copy of your ID to BE FORWARD Clearing agent as soon as possible.
Our agent will prepare for the import process.

Q4: What am I suppose to do after vessel arrival?
A4: Our agent calculates Duty, Tax and Local charge etc...
After you made the payment of those charges, your vehicle will be released from Port or Border facilities.

Q5: What is included in your service?
A5: Please check the service detail.

Q6: Are import service price negotiable?
A6: Yes it is!! Please contact our local office or visit them.

Q7: If my vehicle has already departed from Japan, will I not be able to use your BE FORWARD import service?
A7: You can still use our service!!
Please contact with BE FORWARD Clearing agent in your country as soon as possible.
Our agent will do the best to support your import procedure without any problem.

Por que escolher a BE FORWARD?

  • №1 Exportador de carros usados

    Exportamos mais de 1,200,000 veículos para mais de 200 países e regiões

  • Alta satisfação de clientes

    80% de nossos clientes repetem a compra na BE FORWARD

  • Melhor Preço

    Oferecemos uma grande seleção de veículos com preços baixos

Serviços Locais

Comentários de clientes de Botswana

  • Martin
    Customer Review on Honda Edix
    • 5.0
    by Martin Chinheya (Botswana) on 18/Jun/2019 Verified Buyer

    I’m very pleased to send a feedback on my Honda Edix car I bought from BE FORWARD. I received the car on time and is in excellent condition. I received it with all the accessories shown on it the time i bought it.

    Comentários sobre HONDA Edix (CBA-BE1)
  • Kabelo
    My favorite S60
    • 5.0
    by Kabelo Johane Nokwane (Botswana) on 07/Jul/2019 Verified Buyer

    It's with great pleasure to be driving such an almost new car, I have peace of mind because I didn't change anything from the car but just serviced it, and for the past 6 weeks while in use I haven't experienced any fault in it, thanks a lot BE FORWARD, the worst thing that happened to me is for the small gadgets that came with like the windscreen camera, Tyre pump and T shirt that was stolen from it, other than that I'm so impressed with my beloved Volvo.

    Comentários sobre VOLVO S60 (20T)
  • Samuel
    • 5.0
    by Samuel Maenzanise (Botswana) on 22/Jan/2018 Verified Buyer

    I received my vehicle exactly 6 weeks from date of payment. What professionalism from BE FORWARD, they kept me in the loop every step of the way to the day the vehicle landed in Gaborone. In relation to vehicle condition, 'What You See Is What You Get' the vehicle arrived as clean as it appeared on picture. What a driving pleasure I'm enjoying. For a first timer buying from BE FORWARD, I will not hesitate recommending BE FORWARD to any would be buyer.

    Comentários sobre MITSUBISHI Pajero (GH-V75W)

Outros Serviços


  • WhatsApp

    +81 70 4212 9290 (Siva/Japan)
    Mon. - Fri.: 9:00AM - 6:00PM (JST)

    Chat on WhatsApp
  • WhatsApp

    +267 7388 9265 (Botswana)
    De Seg a Sexta das: 8:00AM - 6:00PM

    Chat on WhatsApp

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